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Published date: July 5, 2013 4:36 PM
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26 .Increased passenger discomfort 28 .Increased risk of Snaking' when towing . 29 . To highlight the danger of driving with worn shock absorbers.
30 .To highlight the danger of driving with worn shocks can have a braking distance that's up to 6 meters longer than the same vehicle fitted with new shocks.
31 W. ith 50% worn shocks, had an emergency braking distance of 1.8 meters longer than the same Vehicle fitted with 100% efficient shocks. 32 . The test
confirms the importance to check that a car's shocks are in good condition, even when fitted with ASR. 33. The importance of checking your shocks. 34 .
The performance of a shock absorber deteriorates gradually and imperceptibly over time, during which the driver unwittingly adapts his or her driving to
compensate for the wear and worsening condition and handling . 35 .As with most parts of a car that are in constant use, shock absorbers are inevitably
Subject to wear and tear . 36 . Shock absorbers that are showing signs of wear can be recognized by a more accentuated load shift when cornering, poorer
handling on uneven Road surfaces and generally 'sloppy' suspension . 37 . A simple way if a vehicle oscillates more than once after downward pressure is
applied to the bonnet of the car, this could Well signify that the car's shocks are worn. Of testing whether your car's shocks are worn is to carry out the 'bounce
test'. 38 . If a vehicle oscillates more than once after downward pressure is applied to the bonnet of the car, this could well signify that the car's shocks are worn
39 .Additionally, visual checks for oil leakage and uneven tyre wear can be carried out.. 40 Additionally, visual checks for oil leakage and uneven tyre wear can
be carried out. 41 .visual checks for oil leakage and uneven tyre wear can be carried out . 42 . Automotive engineers recommend that shock absorbers should
be checked annually or every 20,000 kms (12,000 miles) by a qualified expert. 43. If the car's shocks do need replacing, it is extremely important that they are
replaced in pairs -just like brake pads so that there is an even balance on both sides of the car. 44 .Supplied over 40 % of the cars on Sri Lankan" roads today,
There are MAREENA shock absorbers for virtually every make and model of cars. 45. MAREENA shock absorber is available for over 90% of European.
Continental, Japanese car jeep van shock absorbers, 46 . MAREENA offers the benefits of gas shock absorbers without the high cost. 47 Shock Absorbers - Are
They Necessary? 48. Shock valving can also be modified by machining several small slits or grooves into the wall of the piston chamber. 49 . In 1956, a
Frenchman named De Carbon found a solution for the foaming problem. He discovered that pressurizing the fluid with nitrogen, Freon or air helped reduce
Published date: July 5, 2013 4:36 PM
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